Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Grassfed Beef, It's What's for Dinner

I realized that it has been awhile since I have blogged.  The Hinkle house was out of commission for about 3 weeks with 3 sick kids.  Add that to harvest beginning and me running and completing my 4th half marathon and well, you can see why I haven't really had a chance to blog.  Oh, and I have been consumed with researching my new passion, grassfed beef.

Why Grassfed?

Why not?  My brother-in-law Troy has been raising grassfed beef for over 3 years for our family and close friends.  It is really hard to describe the taste and just how different it is from grainfed beef.  You have to taste it to truly experience the difference.  I have spent hours researching grassfed beef, what makes it so much better for our bodies, the environment and the animals and I have to share just some differences and facts that caught my attention.
  • Lower in total fat and has fewer calories per ounce than grainfed beef.  It actually has about the same amount fat as skinless chicken, deer or elk.  Because of how lean the meat is, it can actually lower your LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol).
  • Higher in Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E.  According to the book The Omega Diet, grassfed beef can give you two to six times more Omega-3 fatty acids.  Several studies even suggest that diets that are higher in Omega 3s and Vitamin E can reduce your overall risk of getting cancer and lower your risk of heart disease.
  • Grassfed animals are healthier and have less stress because they are free to roam pastures and are not given antibiotics or growth hormones (or fed corn and other grains that are difficult for their bodies to digest).  They eat what God has intended for them to feed on and grow at a natural pace.
  • Raising grassfed beef is far less polluting because waste is distributed over pastures and not in one confined space (the waste can then be used as a natural fertilizer for land).  Grainfed cattle are contained in a small area, actually confined, so waste builds up leading to not only land but water pollution. 

I gathered the information above from two great websites which I encourage you to visit if you would like more information on grassfed beef and other livestock as well information on poultry. 

Eat Wild 

American Grassfed

So why this sudden interest?

Hinkle Heritage Farms will be raising and selling grassfed beef to local consumers.  I am beyond excited to provide grassfed beef to our community and those who live within 300 miles of our farm.  Our goal is to provide premium grassfed beef from our farm to your home.  We raise, process and then deliver the beef right to your door or you can pick the meat up from us.  More details to come. 

If you would like more information on how you can purchase grassfed beef, please let me know.  I never in a million years thought I would get excited about cows.  But, I am very passionate about health and ensuring that my quality of life as well as those around me is the best that it can be so I shouldn't be surprised that this is becoming my new crusade.


  1. Wow, you guys are going to raise cows on the farm now?! That is super exciting! Miss you babe :)

  2. This is really cool Leigh! I wish I lived closer, I'd certainly buy meat from your rather than the store--you think 800 miles is too far to deliver? ;)

    1. Since you are in warm and sunny Florida and I might be able to make an exception :). Hee! Hee! Thanks for your support.
