Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Mom, dad and Emily left bright and early this morning for Dallas.  As I watched them drive off into the sunrise, I found myself reflecting on the last week.  What a WHIRLWIND!  I am exhausted, my kids are exhausted and Tony is exhausted.  I think that it is a "good kind" of exhausted.  Family reunions, 4th of July, parade, fireworks, lunches, dinners, time outside and just simple bonding with family that we miss dearly and don't see often enough - Yes, I would say that it is a good kind of exhausted.  It has been a wonderful week and I feel so blessed and lucky to have family, wonderful family, that I love and truly enjoy being around.  You spoil me rotten and I am so thankful that we made the decision to move here.  Thank you to my Texas parents for making the long drive and spending a non relaxing week with family, two almost 2 year olds and a 7 year old and fighting this humidity.  We miss you already.

So what is next, you must ask.  Start to get my life together, maybe?  Unpack boxes and maybe put up some decor in the house?  I think that I am just going to take life one day at a time and embrace what is thrown at me.  Bring on the macaroni and cheese, temper tantrums, long farm work days, hot humidity, sweet toddler kisses and evenings rocking on the front porch.

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