Monday, July 29, 2013

So I hung my head

Yesterday morning was beautiful. I laced up my running shoes and headed out for a 5 mile jog before the sun had come up.  It has been quite awhile since I have run outside, especially at that hour.  The air was cool and the world was quiet.  As I ran, I was reminded just how much I love running outside first thing in the morning (I hate getting up but the reward is always worth it!).  I like to think that it is my "little secret" because it is just me and my thoughts before the chaos of the day and influences of the world seep in to my little utopia.  I know that I have said this before but I will say it again, running is my therapy.  I don't like to run but I do it because it is the one time in the day that is ALL mine. While running I found myself reflecting on my trip to Texas the week before.  I found it hard to believe that I hadn't been back to Texas in over 6 months. Where had the time gone?

My mom and dad had taken Emily back with them after their 4th of July trip here.  She had the gift of spending almost 2 weeks at "Camp Mimi and Grandy."  We had traveled the week earlier to pick her up and so that we could visit with family that we had not seen in what seemed like forever.  The visit was simply, wonderful!  
Enjoying the Texas Rangers ballgame.
Gigi and Mac
Such a special time with Mimi at the princess tea.

We always enjoy spending time with family but for some reason this visit was even more special.  I realized as I reflected back that it was me that was a little different, not really Texas.  I was more at peace, calm and willing to take in everything, the good and the crazy.  I mean, every family is a little wonderful and a little crazy right?!  I loved seeing the kids with their cousins, grandparents and great grandma.  Family is everything. Every day that passes, I am constantly reminded just how important they are.  We don't choose our family, God does and they are forever.  We have good times but also difficult times and I wouldn't trade any of them for anything in the world.  I am pretty lucky.  My family is amazing!  They love me no matter what (in spite of my craziness, moodiness, and the fact that I spend most of my time as one big hot mess).

In the middle of my run, I was stopped by a train (only in Vincennes).  My thoughts moved from my family to today.  I had Tony's family and knew many people from the church, but good girlfriends I had not made.  In fact, I have really only met a few women who I am not related too since moving here.  I realized that if I were to disappear tomorrow, no one in this town would really miss me because they didn't even know that I was here.  Talk about a humbling thought.  I was to many people, invisible.  There is something sad but also something cool and mysterious about it.  I am the new city girl in a town where the majority of the people were born and raised and had known each other all their lives.

As my run came to an end, so did my thoughts.  I was exhausted from the jog and from the emotion that came with it.  All I could do was hang my head and walk home.

I know that I will meet people and I will make friends.  I mean, I have too right?!  Part of me wonders if people will like me and want to make a new friend. I mean there has to be a group of women who:

1.  Love and like God, their children and husbands most of the time
2.  Love to laugh at themselves and don't take themselves too seriously
3.  Who aren't perfect and that is what makes them wonderful
4.  Truly understand and value the importance of girlfriends

Oh, and maybe drink wine or a beer every once in awhile.  I have to believe that there is a place for me here and that I will find my niche.  Patience and time, Leigh.  Patience and time...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

City Girl Meets Sweet Corn

Today, I finally felt like a real country girl (well, I mean sort of like a real country girl).  Donna, my amazing mother-in-law, takes fresh corn just about every year, cooks and freezes it so we can enjoy locally grown corn all year long.  It is AMAZING and such a gift to have this wonderful treat when there is 3 inches of snow on the ground and we are longing for spring and warmer weather.

I was blessed that Donna asked me if I would like to help her prep the corn this year.  Of course, I jumped at the chance.  I didn't tell her this, but it might have been one of my Vincennes highlights thus far.  It doesn't take a lot to make me happy and I really do relish in and cherish the simple things in life.  

Tony stopped by the neighbor's farm this morning on his way out to the Hinkle farm.  The Mouzin Brothers Farm is what I would consider a large farm where they grow not only sweet corn but watermelons and pumpkins (  They are actually renting the land behind Tony's parents home to grow pumpkins.  I can't wait to have our "own" pumpkin patch this fall.  For those of you who live in Indiana and the surrounding states, there is a good chance that you will get to enjoy this produce at your local Kroger.

I spent my afternoon taking corn kernels off corn cobs so that they could be cooked in, yes butter, and frozen for us to enjoy year round.  Jerry and Tony were kind enough to shuck the corn which I was forever grateful because I really, really don't like doing that.  

After the corn was shucked, Donna washed and then transferred the golden heads of corn to me to remove and place in a bowl to microwave.  Did I mention that each bowl had an entire stick of butter in it?  

It only took about an hour and a half to do almost 12 dozen ears of corn.  Thankfully, my little tornadoes slept so that we could get the job done.

I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!  To know that I actually saw part of this corn being planted, then getting it from the local grower who had picked the corn no more than 24 hours before was incredible. Now, I know that is a big word but remember I am a simple person and a city girl.  I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I have about 13 Ziploc bags of corn in the deep freeze that was picked less than 24 hours before.  

Today was a day that I will never forget and I feel like I am starting to transition my city ways over to the inner country girl I always knew was there.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Farmers' Market

Attending the Farmers' Market has to be one of my favorite "activities" thus far.  Everyone is so friendly, drinking their coffee, chatting about the week and complimenting the growers on their local produce.  You stroll...there is no power shopping.  Some weeks, there are baked goods, homemade soaps, and jewelry. Other weeks, you will find beef, eggs and chicken on a stick.  Many of the sellers vary from week to week which I really like.  You never know who or what you will find.

Today, it was just me and the boys.  I was hopeful that more local produce would be available.  It has been very wet here plus we had a cool spring.  That combination equals a delay in getting our yummy, locally grown produce.  The exciting part about that though is that every week more and more goodies will be available with the selection peaking in August (that is what the local guy selling corn told me).

Well, this morning was just perfect and the selection was wonderful.  I was thrilled to see local cantaloupe for the first time.

Sweet corn was everywhere along with red onions, potatoes, green beans, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and lots of greens.  Such a beautiful picture walking through the market. I love squeezing, smelling, thumping, turning and examining the local produce.  You would have thought I had never seen a vegetable in my life.  That is the city girl coming out in me.  I am truly fascinated by the "local" growing of food.

I can't say enough about supporting your local farmers.  The food is incredible and probably the freshest you will ever have.  Here is great link to locate the local farms and farmers' markets in your area.

My purchases today were limited to sweet corn, cantaloupe, beef and a red onion.  I would love to have bought and shopped more but I had two little turkeys that needed my attention.

Backpack leashes - the only way to travel now and the boys seem to really enjoy them.
Looking forward to beginning my own garden next year.  I better write down all these tips because gosh knows I won't remember them come springtime.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Because there isn't enough going on

Since having the boys, I have learned that I like to run.  I love the benefits from it but I do not LOVE running.  When I run, I am by myself and in my own little world.  Through running, I have found that I can work through challenges, fears, sadness and just about anything else that comes my way.  Running is the only thing in my life that is for me and all about me.

While running on my hamster wheel yesterday (that would be the treadmill at the YMCA), I realized just how grateful I was to have running and to be able to exercise.  So much change in a short amount of time takes it toll and through running I have found the ability to process my crazy life.  I always say that I am a much nicer and happier person after a workout.  I put together a pretty fun and crazy playlist on my IPod touch and before I knew it, I had completed 4 miles.  I was just hoping for 2 miles but ran the 4 and felt great.  Now, what happened next, was not planned and what I like to call, "my crazy thoughts."  

Crazy thought, "Leigh, you just ran 4 miles, why are you not signed up for a 1/2 marathon in the fall?  You have never done a fall half marathon because you were injured or pregnant. Do this!"  So, being the rational person that I am, I answered my own crazy thoughts, "Um, yeah, training for a 1/2 marathon requires 12 weeks of commitment and dedication.  No injuries, rest and focus.  I just moved to a new town, starting a brand new life, my husband is working 12 hour days, I have 3 kids, I don't know which way is up from down..."

And then I stopped myself because they are all excuses.  There will never be a good time and there will always be a reason I can't.  So, today I have decided that I can.  I know I can and this is just a little piece of my crazy world and the cool thing about it is that it is all mine.  This is for Leigh by Leigh.  So on Saturday, October 5, I will be participating in the Evansville Half Marathon (when I finish this half, it will be my 4th).  Here is a link to their site. Training officially starts next week.  Goal this week is to get new shoes and some new tunes for my playlist.  Send your suggestions.  Below is my FUN playlist that started all these crazy thoughts (don't judge, some of it is not kid appropriate but it gets me moving and I love that).


Good Morning - Mandisa and Toby Mac
I Will Follow - Chris Tomlin
Footloose - Kenny Loggins
Treasure - Bruno Mars
It's Tricky - Run DMC
It Takes Two - Rob Base
Fighter - Gym Class Heroes
Party Rock Theme - LMFAO
Hey, Soul Sister - Train
Shook Me All Night Long - AC/DC
I Love It - Iconic Pop
Boys Round Here - Blake Shelton
Cruise - Florida Georgia Line
Blow Me - Pink
Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5
Thrift Shop - The Heist
I Like It - Enrique Iglesias

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Mom, dad and Emily left bright and early this morning for Dallas.  As I watched them drive off into the sunrise, I found myself reflecting on the last week.  What a WHIRLWIND!  I am exhausted, my kids are exhausted and Tony is exhausted.  I think that it is a "good kind" of exhausted.  Family reunions, 4th of July, parade, fireworks, lunches, dinners, time outside and just simple bonding with family that we miss dearly and don't see often enough - Yes, I would say that it is a good kind of exhausted.  It has been a wonderful week and I feel so blessed and lucky to have family, wonderful family, that I love and truly enjoy being around.  You spoil me rotten and I am so thankful that we made the decision to move here.  Thank you to my Texas parents for making the long drive and spending a non relaxing week with family, two almost 2 year olds and a 7 year old and fighting this humidity.  We miss you already.

So what is next, you must ask.  Start to get my life together, maybe?  Unpack boxes and maybe put up some decor in the house?  I think that I am just going to take life one day at a time and embrace what is thrown at me.  Bring on the macaroni and cheese, temper tantrums, long farm work days, hot humidity, sweet toddler kisses and evenings rocking on the front porch.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

God Bless America

I headed out for a run to clear my head this morning and to try and work off SOME of the crazy amount of food that I have consumed over the last 3 days.  While running through town, I found myself reflecting on the last month and the many gifts this small town has already given to me and my family.  As I looked around, signs and banners read, "God Bless America" and "Thank you to all who have served, fought and died for our country."  Yes, we live in a country where I am free to put on my running shoes and go, where my daughter can get an education and my two sons can work side by side with their father, own their own business and make an honest living.  Yes, humbling isn't it...

So, back to what I really meant to write about which is my Fabulous Family Fourth of July.  My mom and dad made the very long trek from Dallas, TX, to spend this holiday with us.  We haven't seen them in 6 long months and I am so grateful that they came here to spend time with their grandkids and experience the small town, large family gatherings that I have grown accustomed too.

Now, y'all know a small town loves a parade and you better believe that we were all over the Vincennes Fourth of July parade.  Before we could hit the parade though, a feast was in order, and the Hinkle farm was the host (actually the Yochum family was but we were out at the Hinkle farm).  As we feasted, laughed, feasted some more, rested and played some pretty intense games of cornhole and dutch blitz, I found myself thinking about how truly wonderful it was that I was celebrating this holiday with my family.  My parents were here and so was Tony's family.  I was able to look around and see two families coming together as one.  I mean, isn't that what holidays are about?  That and the food right (are you detecting a theme here?!).

Mom's amazing salad
My wonderful nieces getting "their grub on."
We stuffed ourselves silly and had some pretty priceless moments that I would love to share with y'all below.   
Me, being attacked by bug, Tony...yeah I have no idea what he is about.

Somehow got mom on the Ranger to tour the farm.  She was alive and still speaking to Tony afterward so everything must have gone alright.

Harrison ate many, many, many rice krispy treats.  Thanks Uncle Jay!
Dad and Jerry, our fearless leaders and rocks in our families.
So love Tammy in her fancy, schmancy apron.  She is amazing for putting up with us not only once but twice over the holiday weekend.
Somehow we all rallied for an evening of sweating, being eaten alive by bugs and pegged in the head with the candy (did you know that all parade participants throw candy at the spectators?).  Emily stuffed both Mac and Harrison's backpack leashes with candy.  Poor kids about fell over backwards from the weight of the candy.  Love how resourceful that kid is.  

We finished off the evening with having everyone over to our house for pizza and a little relaxation before heading out for the fireworks.  We were so blessed to be able to spend it together.

Mom and dad.  My mom is the best.  She brought so many fun Fourth of July decorations and accessories that it made everything extra fabulous.
It isn't a parade unless there is a monster truck carrying the pageant princess.

Had to include this because Hannah, my niece, designed this sign. 
Yep, had to make this big and large because Vincennes has a scooter club and they were in the parade.  If you have read my previous blogs, you will know just how much I love scooters/mopeds.  Tony suggested that I join them next month.  I think not...