Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The gift of a front porch

Our front porch in all its glory. We really need to get a flag and also some hanging plants.

We have an amazing front porch that we have enjoyed just about every evening since moving here.  It is big enough for our whole family and looks out on all the "happenings" of Burnett Lane.  The breeze combined with the shade of our trees make it the perfect place to relax just about any time of day.  There is nothing special about it or really beautiful about it.  I think that is why it is so special and it takes me back to times before air conditioning and reminds me of the South.  Folks sitting in their rockers, passing time and trying to keep cool in the heat of the summer.  Too hot to work, too hot to cook, too hot to do just about anything but sit, drink iced tea, rock, and talk.  I love the connections that I have made with my family in the short time that we have been here and I love that we have met so many neighbors who walk by, stop and say hi, introduce themselves and chat.  Yes, they all seem to know Tony's family in one way, shape, or form, and I am finding that I love that.  My mindset is changing from, "My husband is from here and you may know him or his family" to "you know, Jerry and Donna Hinkle, or Tony's sister is Tammy and his two brothers Trent and Troy."  My how quickly I adjust these days.

I have watched my daughter proudly climb the Ginkgo tree and then find that getting down is really the challenge.

I am learning for the first time in my life that slowing down, taking time for myself and just sitting is not a bad thing but a gift.  Yes, a gift.  A gift to me, my family and those around me because I am better person when I have taken that time.  Why, why, why I have I not had a front porch till now?

Before Tony heads off to the farm, we have found a few moments to sip coffee and connect in the morning before the craziness of three kids sets in.  To start my day, with my three favorites, God, Tony and coffee.  I am on to something!

When we build our house, Tony and I both agree that a front porch is a must.  And also some Cracker Barrel rocking chairs.

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