Sunday, June 30, 2013

Reflecting on the last month

It is hard to believe that we have lived in Vincennes for a month now.  I don't feel like a resident of Vincennes.  I feel like I am walking around a great town as a permanent visitor taking in as much as I can. As I begin each day, I find myself doing the same thing over and over: trying to learn the rules, meet people, figure out where we fit in and how we fit in.  I hesitate to say this but I really don't feel like I belong here but I know that will come.  I am a city girl, who did not grow up here and whose ties are through her husband and husband's family.  It has only been a month, right? Patience is not one of my gifts but I am trying really, really hard to have it or at least find it somewhere.

So here is what I have learned in the last month:
  • The speed limit is 30 mph and everyone drives it
  • People do not go through yellow lights or run red lights (I have received many looks for making the hazardous left hand turn as the light changes)
  • Mopeds and golf carts are the norm
  • The ratio of handicap to non handicap drivers appears quite even
  • Never be in a hurry, because everyone operates on slow time (I am actually really starting to like that).
  • You will be stopped by a train many times.  Did I mention that I have never seen so many trains or heard so many "choo choos" in my life?  I find comfort in it and I have found myself thinking about my grandpa who worked on the railroads all his life.  
  • BUGS!!  I have never experiences so many insects in my entire life.  I have stopped worrying about the necessary daily protein intake for my kiddos because I am sure that we all consume several a day without even knowing it.  
  • Humidity - I HATE humidity and strongly dislike heat.  Over the last few weeks, we have enjoyed 100% humidity.  It is like living in a rainforest or swamp.  It is hard to even breathe.  
  • People - Nice to the core.  Having twins has been quite the topic of conversation here and has allowed us to meet many folks, young and old.  I can't tell you how many complete strangers have stopped me, offered their name and info and wanted me to call if I needed anything at all.
  • The head nod and finger lift.  When you pass people on the road, you nod your head or lift a finger.  Yeah, I so do that in the van.  
  • Everyone knows everyone and we are somehow related either by blood or marriage to half the town.

  • My house is rental, not my forever home.  I need to understand that I will still have boxes and that not all my stuff will come out or fit.
  • Water tables and a hose are the greatest gift for kids in the summer.  So many hours have been enjoyed outside with my 3 kiddos and those water tables.
  • I live, eat and breathe tractors and combines.  My boys LOVE them (I don't really feel like that is a strong enough word).  We have over 15 tractors and it isn't enough.  The excitement in their voices and on their faces whenever they see some type of machinery is just priceless.
  • Local rules - buy local, shop local and support local businesses (I will have entry on that coming up).  
  • Bobe's pizza is the best
  • My daughter has a social calender that is hard to keep up with and it makes my heart sing.  Between being on the swim team, baseball team, church activities, family and her new friends, my sweet little girl is settling in quite well.  Can't wait to see what school will hold for her.
  • The typical intro questions and beginning conversation here goes something like this:  Where do you live?  Who are you married to?  Tony Hinkle, Is he related to Jerry or Donna, Trent, Troy or Tammy.  Yes, we know your husband's family.  Wonderful people!  Where will your daughter go school?  Where do you go to church? - Never fails.  I am really good at doing intros now.
  • Vincennes is God's town.  He is everywhere and on everything and I find much comfort in knowing that as I live in a place where I am the outsider.
  • Farming is hard and unpredictable.  You can't plan or count on anything.  Tony's schedule is crazy and he works 6 days a week.  He works hard, so very hard and I am so proud of him.  This has been a hard farming year.  We have had so much rain that it looks like we might lose the majority of our crops.  But, that is how it is.  
  • I miss my friends.
My family - I can't bullet this because what I have learned is far too great for a simple bullet.  Since the moment we arrived, our family has been there.  We see them weekly and I love it.  Sometimes, they will stop by or we will head out to the farm.  We had game night last night at our home and the feeling was indescribable having a house full of family, laughing and enjoying each other's company.  I feel their love and support around me and I love seeing my kids with them.  In a strange way, it has been the hardest transition because we have never really had a significant amount of family around us.  I am so used to doing everything myself, only being able to depend on myself and Tony.  I am learning to let go but it is hard.  I am horrible at accepting help but I need it and I am so grateful to have family here.

We are "getting along" as I like to say and I feel, in my heart and soul, that we are where we are suppose to be.  Life is happening around me and I am just grasping and reaching for every moment. 

My new mantra that I have adopted is below.  We moved here for a simpler, more fulfilling life.  So far so good.

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