Friday, June 6, 2014

Where did May go?

May was such a busy month for us.  I had hoped to share more about our month with y'all but somehow time got away from me and June is here.  The guys began planting and things were looking really good until the spring rains hit.  We were blessed to get a few 100 acres planted but it looks like the guys will be planting and replanting most of June like they did last year.  You can't argue or fight mother nature.  You just have to embrace what is given to you and pray that your equipment is ready to go and that all the conditions will be right for a good growing season once the ground is ready.  Only time will tell but I keep praying that they won't have to go into July.  I have had my farmer home more which has been so nice but I know that means that fields aren't being tended too.  I can't believe I am praying for this but I do hope for a few weeks of early mornings and late nights soon for Tony and the other farmers.

School is done and the kids and I are enjoying the good weather and taking advantage of so many fun activities outdoors.  We are all much happier outside.  Most of our days are spent at the park, in the backyard or out at the farm.  It is amazing just how entertaining and fun gravel, trees and dirt can be.  Oh, we also love grain bins, bugs, farm and construction equipment and plain old swings.  I could go on, but I think the pictures say much more.
Homemade fudgesicles

So proud of the bluegill that she caught fishing with her dad

Throwing rocks in the creek at Oubache Trails park
Watermelon fields

Strawberry grazing.  Harrison ate more strawberries than he picked.

Daddy and Mac on top of the grain bin at Hinkle Farms

The view from on top over God's land.

Driving with Uncle Trent
Getting up and "driving" a tractor never gets old at the farm.
Dirt, who needs dirt when you can scoop up corn.

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