Friday, January 3, 2014

The Hinkle Homestead

Our hope and prayer since moving to Vincennes is that we will be able to build a home on the Hinkle farm land, within spitting distance of Tony's parents, brother and sister's family.  I find so much peace in the country.  Now, we can get a little rowdy and crazy at times but the simple laughter and joy that happens on Hartley Road leaves my heart full and yearning to be there always.  I am grateful that we now live in Vincennes so we can go out to the farm whenever we want too. Just turning onto Main Street Road to head out to the farm puts me at ease. You should see the big cheesy grin on my face too because I always have the boys with me and they will scream at the top of their lungs for the entire 20 minute drive, "Tractor, Combine, Grain bin, Auger, Big Truck, Cows, Horse."  I think that it is safe to say that ALL members of the Hinkle family LOVE the farm.

Tony and I are excited because we think that we have finally found the house that we want to build.  It is simple, nothing fancy for us.  It isn't huge.  When we first started looking, I found homes that were much bigger but as time passed I thought more and more about what we needed verses what we wanted.  I need a home that is cozy and personal.  I need to be able to entertain our whole family in one space.  I need a fireplace, a front porch and an outside shower.  I don't want to spend all my free time cleaning some mammoth house or to have all this space that is filled with stuff that isn't important to us or has a purpose. Simple living is my personal goal and I think we may have found it with this home.  There will be a few tweaks made like adding a walkout basement and removing the fireplace from our room but overall this is it.  

For now, this is our dream and hopefully will become a reality sooner than later.  The big man upstairs holds the cards and we are doing everything we can down here to make our dream a reality.  I can't wait for the day that we can break ground and create our own Hinkle Homestead.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Leigh!! I can't wait to follow the building process - so exciting! Happy 2014!!
