Friday, September 20, 2013

Just trying to find my place

While driving to Fort Branch yesterday, which is about a half an hour south of Vincennes to drop off play yards that kept the twins contained and me sane for many, many months, I found myself thinking and reflecting (always dangerous).  With much joy and sadness, my little tornadoes have outgrown those North States play yards and now another wonderful soul can enjoy the benefits of containment of little people who make our heads spin, our hearts leap with joy and cause us to collapse completely exhausted at the end of the day.  It is amazing how much one can process when you don't have kids screaming, tractor videos going on in the background or rounds of twinkle, twinkle being sung at a level that could be heard two counties over.


Yep, that is what kept shouting at me this time in my car.  How the heck did I get here?!  Oh, right, I made that choice a little over a year ago.  We made the choice to leave our lives in Indianapolis for better opportunities for our children and us.  Small town life, family and fellowship.

So...many of you have asked how we are doing, how is the adjustment, what is small town life like...?  So many questions and I love how mysterious our life seems to be to the outside world.  Well here are your answers from my perspective.

TONY - My husband is amazing.  He is thriving and happy.  His work is hard, never ending, challenging and also boring, annoying, exciting and fulfilling.  He gets to work day in and day out with his brothers and dad.  I can honestly say that I have never seen him more relaxed and happy in my entire life. Tony is your classic introvert, yet here he is my social butterfly.  He makes the introductions in social settings, he has the about a role reversal.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't know that he is where is suppose to be.

EMILY - My adaptable child who can fit in no matter where she goes.  She seems to really like Franklin Elementary and has made a few friends.  She misses Greenbriar and her buddies but I think she is making her own little spot in Mrs. Allen's 1st grade class.
Em with her 1st Vincennes buddy, Caden, and Olivia, her oldest and dearest friend from Indy.

Em with Mercedes, her new friend from school.
She has joined the Vincennes Swim Club and is like fish (I think that we have found her sport).  What I realize is that everything she does, she does with purpose and persistence.  Time is on her side and she will continue to find where she belongs.

MAC and HARRISON (Tractor/Combine as we like to call them).  I think that if you asked them, they would say, "why didn't we move here sooner?"  Tractors and trains, lots of mud and cows and pumpkins.  What else do little boys need?

Seeing the boys and also Em with Tony's family just makes my heart smile.  So much love and support and I can see just how happy and blessed not only the kiddos are but also their parents.

ME - I am just trying to find my place in this town.  I feel like that new kid in gym class when you are picking teams, praying that I won't get picked last or that no one wants me on their team.  "Pick me!  Pick me!" my inner voice screams. Vincennes is a great town and the people are friendly and nice.  I know that with time, I will make connections and find where I am suppose to be and what my purpose is.  Right now, I am a mom and a wife, trying to raise 3 kids and support my husband in a job that few would ever take on.  God has put me here for a reason and I do believe that we are living out his plan for us.

SO I have to put on my big girl panties, be brave and ultimately have faith that I can let go of my city girl self to embrace the beauty that a country girl can see, live and love.


1 comment:

  1. Love this post! I was in tears reading it - hearing the beautiful words you spoke of your family. I know you this was a few months ago and I know you are still in ways trying to find your place...but I believe you are right where you need to be! You take such good care of your family...and they of you. Keep believing in your choices, your family, yourself - you are awesome! I am amazed by you!!! (hugs)
