Friday, May 17, 2013

Where to Begin...

North Willow Farm mommies - the best EVER!

If you ask me what has gone on in my life over the last several months, I would find it hard to summarize much less pinpoint any specific detail.  I have been living, eating and breathing moving my family to the "next chapter of our lives."  Getting a house ready to sell, selling a house and now packing up to move has been all consuming.  What I will say is that I have tried, tried so hard to still be a great mom, wife and friend through it all.  I think that all I have accomplished is to exhaust myself and to drink way to much wine.  

One week from today, we will be living in our new house on Burnett Lane.  I can't believe this time has come.  Today, my wonderful friend, Jill, took my boys for 9 hours(Did I mention that she has 4 children of her own).  She is a true gift from God.  I was able to pack up 50% of our house.  For this fried, exhausted, stressed out mom, today was a victory.  I think that what I am most humbled about is all of our friends and family who have gone above and beyond to help us as we make this move.  You all, and you know who you are, who say "it is something small, I wish I could do more, I only brought you a meal or helped you pack a few boxes, etc." it means the world.  Just as an example, our friend Steve has been mowing our yard once a week.  LIFESAVER... Katie, Jenny, Kristy, Liz, Jess, Jennie, Leslie - you are packing machines.  NWF ladies - you make me smile and if I think about leaving this neighborhood even for a split second, I will break into an ugly cry.  Missy, I would have jumped off the cliff had it not been for you. 
Missy, my former neighbor, and now my long distance BFF, soulmate and rock.
My  amazing packing crew, Liz, Jennie and Jess.

I hate goodbyes.  I really do.  I would like to escape in the evening, quietly, and just follow-up with a nice email.  But, that is not possible.  I have lived in this town for 15 years.  So, to quote my Facebook status update, "While thinking about what a life changer our move is, I am finding myself looking back on my other life changers - competitive swimming, leaving Dallas for Bloomington to attend IU, cancer, marriage, children and now farm life. Peaks and valleys but a journey I wouldn't change for anything. While some of those paths I wouldn't have chosen or even predicted would have happened, my life is full and better because of them. Doors are not closing, I am not saying goodbye, it is just "see you later" and "fasten your seatbelts."'

Life is gift, embrace EVERYTHING!

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